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Heeft u vragen over IN3? Bekijk dan deze informatie van In3
Enterprise Tackle has linked up with several of the top bait companies to produce their New Classic Flavour Range of popup sweet corn. The eight grains of corn come in a mini bottle filled with classic flavours such as Richworth's Esterberry, Nutrabaits Cranberry and Solar Tackle's Esterblend 12. There are 20 different flavours in the range that includes the full range of colours that Enterprise produce, including a nice new purple flavoured with Nutrabaits Plum. Through extensive field testing over the years, the results have been consistently better with the flavoured corn, compared to the plain version. There is very little doubt in my mind that besides the obvious visual attraction, the fish are much more inclined to sample the flavoured corn when it triggers their olfactory receptors (Much the same as the smell of food makes us feel more inclined to eat). We have selected a range of some of the greatest flavours ever to bring you the very best options to improve your baits pulling power. These baits work either on thier own, over particles or when tipping any type of boilies from food baits, to single high attract hook baits. In fact virtually any hook bait will be dramatically improved with thier inclusion. Give them a try, you wont be disapointed
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